Cryotherapy is a technique that uses extreme cold for the treatment of injuries that can be derived from a sports practice or for simple superficial skin lesions that can occur on a daily basis.
The Freeze Body Sculpting method consists in applying a very low temperature by means of a controlled and local release on the lesion. This is done only for a few seconds with an apparatus similar to a thermo siphon. Sometimes it may be necessary to perform a second Freezing Fat To Lose Weight cycle. During the freezing phase, the patient may notice a local pain of mild or moderate intensity that disappears within a few seconds of the end of the freezing.
In this way what is achieved is to freeze and destroy abnormal cells of the skin thus eliminating skin lesions. After the Cool Sculpt Fat Freezing Treatment it is normal to appear certain redness and even some inflammation that disappears after a short time. And is that the benefits that cryotherapy has in itself, we must add the fact that usually involves a minimum risk of complications and side effects. Other techniques that involve the destruction of tissues are more harmful and cause some risk of scarring and injury to healthy tissue around the lesion.
The cryotherapy treatment is applied in sessions of between 2.5 and 4 minutes, although the perfect session would be about three and a half minutes. As for the periodicity, the ideal is to undergo this technique for 10 days in a row, although it is not advisable to undergo cryotherapy without rest for a long time.
Most of the benefits of Fat Freezer Body Sculpting are obvious and can be checked from the start. Among them we find all these:
This type of Fat Freezing Procedure treatment is not advisable in the following cases: pregnancy, patients with vascular disorders with arterial insufficiency or heart disease, and patients undergoing cancer treatment or suffering from some type of cancer.
Alternatives to lose localized fat
Vaser Lipo: uses ultrasounds instead of lasers. You can go to specific areas like the previous one. Ultrasounds claim not to cause tissue damage.
Smart Lipo: is the alternative method for small amounts of fat. The use of lasers is internal to improve the recovery time.
Ultrasonic Lipo: uses concentrated ultrasound to break down the accumulation of fat. It has a higher concentration of sound waves than Vaserlipo.
These are some alternative methods to reduce areas where localized fat appears, that is, typical belly fat or cartridge belts that are difficult to eliminate by exercising or eating well. They differ because they are not surgical, without a surgeon and therefore do not require recovery or postoperative. They are much milder treatments but they also offer good benefits in reducing fatty tissue and are alternatives to consider when you want to lose localized fat.
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